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Hi! I'm Bradlee. Graduate of BS Psychology. I won 2nd Place in Page Layout and Design in a National Competition (PH).
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New Year: The Ups and the Downs

NEW YEAR - is observed on January 1, the first day of the year on the modern Gregorian calendar as well as the Julian calendar used in the Roman Empire since 45 BC according to wikipedia (the very literal definition). For most of us new year is the time to make New Year's resolution. Well honestly i'm one of those people who make some resolution but never had the chance to work for it. (check Huffington PostNew Year's Resolution 2.0: How to Make It Work for You and Your Friends

This year I won't make any resolution but that doesn't mean I'm not changing anything. Yes there is a difference between December 31, which is New Year's Eve, to normal dates like January 4 or March 9 ( Let's not be literal). For me December 31 is the same to other normal dates, you wake up and do your daily routine but since it's a holiday you do it in an extraordinary way . Therefore everyday is another chance, another chance to fix things. 

2013 was full of ups and downs. A friend of mine told me one trick, just enjoy and appreciate your "UPS" and learn from your "DOWNS" to enjoy your year. So may your 2014 be better than your 2013! Well I know i'm a bit late,but who cares?Cheers for 2014!


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